Normal Blood Sugar with 10,000 Steps a Day

We can’t think of a thing that walking doesn’t make better.

Every step helps boost your mood, shrink your waist, cut your body fat, and clean out your arteries better than the Roto-Rooter man cleans your drains. And walking lowers your diabetes risk, too. Taking 10,000 steps a day, 5 days a week, improves your insulin sensitivity, which reduces diabetes risk three times better than taking just 3,000 steps a day, new data shows. See why the YOU Docs love walking.

You’re probably already logging about 5,000 steps. Even sedentary folks rack up about 3,000 (1.5 miles). So channel your Nancy Sinatra spirit (“Are you ready, boots?”). Check out how walking can save your life.

1.Track your steps. You’ll be amazed at how motivating a pedometer is. Pick a model with an easy-to-read display, a sturdy clip, and a loop-on “leash” (it’s easy to lose!). Omron is the very best pedometer! A Fitbit is my favorite wearable! And if you don’t have either one Fitbit offers a app for Android or Apple that tracks your steps from your phone only. 🙂 How to use Fitbit Mobile Track, click here after downloading Fitbit app.

2.Be willing to pay for good shoes. Walking shoes for Men and Walking shoes for Women. For the comfiest fit, shop in the afternoon, when your feet are slightly swollen. Usually buy a 1/2 size larger than your normal shoes.

3.Sit less. Lots less. Never sit when you’re on the phone; walk while you talk. Same with TV: Put an exercise machine in front of every TV. Walk, ride, or lift during the entire show, picking up the pace during the commercials.

4.Set new goals weekly. Increase your steps 10% a week. Even if you’re starting at 3,000 steps, in less than 6 months, you’ll be up to 10,000.

Source: February 15, 2011 12:00 AM by Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD |

Walking Videos to walk down that blood sugar!

Get those steps in! Your walking friend,

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